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GK Quiz Questions With Answers For Class 7

quiz questions with answers for class 7
quiz questions with answers for class 7

GK or general knowledge is something that doesn’t always make it to the academic curriculum. But, it is important to be aware of.

This quiz questions with answers for class 7 type requires learners to drag items from a word bank and drop them into predefined spaces on the base image. Learn more about this question type here.

1. What is the square root of 1296?

The square root of 1296 is 36. It is a perfect square number and is also a Friedmann number. The square root of 1296 can be calculated using the long division method.

The first step is to divide the number by a prime number. This is done by repeating the subtraction process until the remainder becomes 0. The next step is to find a number that is evenly divisible by the remaining numbers. This number is then taken as the new divisor and quotient.

The next step is to take the product of the divisor and quotient, and then annex a suitable digit to make it equal to or less than the new dividend. This process is repeated until the remainder becomes 0. The square root of 1296 is a rational number. This means that it is a number that can be divided by fractions.

2. What is the name of the national bird of the United States of America?

The national bird of the United States of America is the bald eagle. It is also the national mammal of the USA. This is a fun question to ask children in social studies classes! It is also a great way to teach students about the national symbols of the USA.

The bald eagle holds an olive branch and thirteen arrows in its talons on the Great Seal of the United States. Its gaze is cast to the left, symbolizing that the nation prefers peace but is ready for war. The eagle is on the seal because it represents strength, freedom, and focus – qualities that the Founding Fathers wanted to associate with their new country. Benjamin Franklin originally suggested the wild turkey as a national symbol, but Congress selected the bald eagle instead. This selection is documented in the Acts of Congress.

3. When is World Homoeopathy Day observed?

Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine that uses natural substances to treat illness. It is based on the principle that “like cures like” and is designed to stimulate the body’s own healing process. World Homoeopathy Day is observed on April 10th each year and commemorates the birth anniversary of Dr Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homoeopathy.

World Homoeopathy Day is celebrated to promote the use of homoeopathic medicines and raise awareness about their benefits. It is also a day to remember the achievements of Dr Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homoeopathy. The central council for research in homoeopathy organizes this event under the aegis of Ministry of AYUSH. The theme of World Homoeopathy Day 2023 is ‘Homoeopathy: People’s choice for wellness’. The following articles will provide more information about this important global event.

4. What is the square root of 1764?

The square root of a number is the value that results when that number is multiplied by itself. The square root of 1764 is 42. Is this a rational number?

To find the square root of 1764, we can use the long division method. This method involves finding a divisor that is less than or equal to the dividend and then dividing by that number. To do this, we begin by finding a number that is a multiple of 4 and divides by 4. This gives us a quotient of 8.

Next, we bring down the next pair 64, to the right of the remainder 1. This gives us a new dividend of 164. Finally, we divide 164 by 82, which gives us a quotient of 2. We then add the remainder to the quotient and get the final result of 42.

5. When was World War II started?

The Second World War, or World War II, started on 1 September 1939 with Germany’s invasion of Poland. This prompted Britain and France to enforce their security guarantee to Poland and declare war on Germany.

The war spread to Asia as Japan expanded its war with China, occupying European colonial holdings in the region including Hong Kong, Singapore, Burma, and the Netherlands East Indies. The United States was drawn into the conflict in December 1941 with Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor.

The world fought the bloodiest war in its history for six years until Germany, Italy and Japan surrendered in 1945. This was the most devastating conflict in human history and shattered the lives of millions of people worldwide. The Allies defeated the Axis powers through a series of strategic victories, the most notable being D-Day.

6. What is the name of the court language used by the Mughals?

The Mughals were an empire that ruled South Asia from the 16th to 19th centuries. The court language of the Mughals was Persian. Persian is a West Asian language that originated in Persia and later spread to India by traders. The Mughal emperors encouraged the use of Persian, and it became the dominant language of their courts and culture.

The Persians brought their own traditions to India, but they also embraced Indian culture and developed new artistic sensibilities. One example of this is the Mughal era sari, which was an elegant embroidered gown that was worn by women in the imperial court.

The Mughal emperors were also great patrons of art. They loved poetry, Persian-style gardens, and miniature painting. They were often described as ruthless and cruel, but they were also generous and noble. They helped the poor and promoted Hinduism.

7. What is the name of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?

The Sistine Chapel is a chapel in the Vatican and one of the most famous works of art in the world. It is known for its frescos depicting scenes from the Bible, particularly a sequence of nine scenes from Genesis that show God creating the world and man.

Michelangelo Buonarroti is a famed sculptor, but he also was a painter, and his work on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel has made it a masterpiece. Michelangelo suffered greatly while working on the ceiling, and he described his suffering in detail in several poems.

In addition to being a great work of art, the Sistine Chapel also serves a practical purpose. It is the site of papal conclaves, which are the meetings in which Cardinals elect a new Pope. During conclaves, a special chimney in the roof allows onlookers to see how the voting is progressing by indicating whether smoke is black or white.

8. What is the name of the ‘class’ of Octopus?

Octopuses are known for their intelligence and can be trained to solve puzzles, open jars, and even mimic the behavior of other sea creatures. They are also very good at evading predators, using their camouflage abilities to hide from them. They can change the color of their skin, eyes and arms, as well as the shape of their body, to confuse or deceive predators.

They are a member of the class Cephalopoda, which includes other sea creatures such as squids and cuttlefish. They are bilaterally symmetric and have eight arms, which they use to trail behind them as they swim.

They are also capable of changing the shape of their body to fit through narrow openings. This is a common defense strategy used to frighten or trick predators. There are many different species of octopus, including the Seven-Arm Octopus (Haliphron atlanticus) and the Dumbo Octopus (Grimpoteuthis). The latter has fins on its mantle that resemble the ears of Disney’s character Dumbo.

9. What is the name of the ‘antisterility vitamin’?

Vitamin E is sometimes called the ‘antisterility vitamin’ because it has been associated with fertility and reproductive health. It was originally discovered for its ability to prevent miscarriages and promote healthy pregnancies in animals. However, research has shown that it has many other important functions as well, including acting as an antioxidant and supporting immune function. Vitamin E is also known as tocopherol and is a fat-soluble vitamin. It is found in a variety of foods, including vegetable oil, green vegetables, nuts, and eggs. It is an essential nutrient for human health.

The name ‘antisterility vitamin’ is derived from the Greek words tokos (“offspring”) and pheros (to bear). It was named after its association with fertility and reproductive health. It is a powerful lipid soluble antioxidant, and its primary functions include the prevention of the nonenzymatic oxidation of cell components by molecular oxygen and free radicals.

10. Which day is celebrated as World Consumer Rights Day?

World Consumer Rights Day is celebrated on March 15 each year as a way to raise global awareness about consumer rights and needs. It is also a way to protest against market abuses and social injustices that affect consumers. The day was inspired by a speech given by President John F Kennedy to the US Congress on March 15, 1962, in which he formally addressed the issue of consumer rights for the first time.

The day is observed by consumer groups, world governments, and companies that work to protect consumer rights. It is celebrated to honor the four fundamental consumer rights as outlined by President Kennedy in his speech: the right to safety, the right to information, the right to choice, and the right to be heard. Each year, a new theme is chosen for the day.

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