TOD is an urban planning approach that integrates land use and transportation systems. It focuses on raising housing density around transit stations, promoting diversity of land uses and designs and providing a range of commuting options.
It is essential that TOD strategies be adapted to the local context. Several international policy lessons can help land-use and transportation authorities overcome barriers to implementation at the regional level. These include:
Transit oriented development (TOD) is dense, mixed-use, deliberately planned development that maximizes the use of public transportation, walking and biking. TOD is an effective way to address the last mile problem and improve the quality of life for residents. It also reduces greenhouse gas emissions, increases local incomes, and strengthens the community.
TOD can be implemented on a small or large scale. Many communities across the country are using TOD principles in their planning. The following are some of the most common benefits:
Lowers cost to build infrastructure
TOD communities use existing or repurposed land, so they are less expensive to construct than dispersed development. Compact development generally costs 5 to 25 percent less than sprawling development, which means more money for transit systems, street lighting and public safety improvements.
Reduces vehicle dependence and energy consumption
Residents who live, work and shop in TOD neighborhoods drive 20 to 40 percent less than those living in other areas, which leads to reduced air pollution and energy costs. In addition, a 2009 study by the Victoria Transportation Policy Institute found that TOD residents walk and bike three to four times more than those in other neighborhoods.
Maximizes public investment
TOD communities generate more revenue for transit services because people are more likely to ride the bus, train or subway when it is convenient. The increased ridership helps cover the cost of operating the transit system, which results in a higher return on investment.
Promotes health and reduces obesity
Research has shown that people who live, work or shop in TOD neighborhoods are more likely to be physically active. This is because they spend less time driving to get around and can access more of their neighborhood. In addition, a TOD community can have streetscaping elements that discourage car dependency.
Increases housing options
TOD communities can offer a variety of housing choices that appeal to a wide range of people. These include single-family homes, townhomes and apartments.
Reduces congestion and improves pedestrian safety
TODs are often located within a quarter to half mile of transit stations. This proximity allows people to quickly reach the station with a walk or bike ride.
There are no small stakes when it comes to tax filing and paying. For starters, the federal government requires that all taxpayers fill out a form called Form 1040, which is used to track your personal and business income and expenses and calculate your tax bill. If you’re lucky enough to live in a state that allows property tax assessment, you might have a better chance of paying less in taxes because the local tax authority will have access to your financial records. Fortunately, the government also makes it easier to get your tax dollars to work for you by offering an online tax filing service that offers no-fee, no-pressure assistance at every stage of the process. To see if this service is right for you, check out the department’s FAQ page.
Most high-net-worth families rely on their estate planning attorneys, wealth advisors and other experts to help them create a trust, will or other legal tool to distribute assets after their death. However, some people may not want to establish a revocable trust and instead use a form that can be used for specific accounts and assets called transfer on death (TOD) or payable on death (POD).
A TOD or POD account is similar to a beneficiary designation in that it names one or more recipients to receive the funds of a financial institution at the owner’s death without the need for probate. The designated beneficiaries are able to claim the money directly from the bank or investment company after the owner dies, as long as they provide proof of identification and a death certificate.
Tod full form accounts are typically used for stocks, bonds and other investments held in brokerage accounts. They also can be used for property ownership through TOD deeds.
The advantages of using TOD or POD accounts are that they keep monetary assets out of the probate process and allow beneficiaries to quickly receive their money and other assets after the owner dies. However, these types of accounts can be vulnerable to creditors during the lifetime and after death.
Creditors have the right to sue a TOD account for debts, even if they do not go through the probate process. These creditors can be difficult to defeat, but they have the resources and motivation to try.
Another problem with TOD or POD accounts is that they can be susceptible to a mistake by the beneficiary that results in the wrong beneficiaries receiving more money than other heirs. This happens more frequently with TOD accounts than it does with revocable living trusts.
TOD and POD accounts are generally easy to update with the investment company, but it is a good idea to check periodically to ensure that your beneficiaries reflect your wishes. This is especially important if a beneficiary you have named predeceases or falls out of favor.
If a client is considering establishing TOD or POD accounts, he or she should discuss the matter with an attorney and consider all available options to determine the best plan for their family’s long-term needs. It is also important to understand the limitations of TOD and POD accounts, which are typically not as effective as a well-designed revocable living trust.
TOD is the process of transferring property to beneficiaries without the need for probate. It can be used to transfer stocks, real estate, cars, and other assets, often in a quick, simple way.
TOD full form (also known as a TOD deed) allows owners to designate one or more beneficiaries for the ownership of their property, in effect creating a trust or living trust on their behalf. The named beneficiaries become owners of a designated percentage of the account and are not subject to any probate rules.
A TOD deed also makes it easy for an asset owner to change their beneficiary designation at any time, a feature that many people find useful when they are considering retirement plans or making major purchases.
The best part is that when the account owner dies, all of the assets in the account are transferred to their beneficiaries without any of the hassles associated with probate.
While the benefits of TOD are obvious, there are still some important considerations to make before you decide if it’s for you. First, be sure to review the state laws in your jurisdiction.
Second, be sure to consult with your attorney to determine whether a TOD deed is right for you. Using an approved TOD deed is the safest way to ensure that you comply with your state’s laws and receive a smooth and speedy distribution of your assets.
Third, be sure to ask your financial advisor or tax professional for guidance as you consider TOD. You should consider the size and type of account you wish to create as well as the amount of funds that you plan to distribute to your beneficiaries.
Finally, be sure to speak with your local bank or financial institution to see if they offer TOD accounts. Most financial institutions will let you open a TOD account with a small fee, usually under $25.
The tod has many benefits, including: – a better quality of life for residents, resulting in improved housing affordability, health and wellness, and less stress on families. – lower transportation costs, resulting in greater economic mobility and access to jobs. – enhanced community vibrancy, resulting in increased tourism, business, and investment.
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