The GPS Full Form is “Global Positioning System“, “Global Positioning Satellite System“, “Global Positioning Service” and “School of Global Policy and Strategy“. Apart from the these, GPS has many other full forms listed below.
Global Positioning System – It is a network of satellites which can be used to locate vehicle and people. It is a space based radio navigation system used by defense department.
Mainly GPS stands for “Global Positioning System“, “Global Positioning Service“.
All GPS Full Forms with Hindi Meanings
Global Positioning System | ग्लोबल पोजिशनिंग सिस्टम |
Global Positioning Satellite System | ग्लोबल पोजिशनिंग सैटेलाइट सिस्टम |
Global Positioning Service | ग्लोबल पोजिशनिंग सर्विस |
School of Global Policy and Strategy | वैश्विक नीति और रणनीति के स्कूल |
Geo-Political Simulator | भू-राजनीतिक सिम्युलेटर |
Global Patient Services | वैश्विक रोगी सेवाएं |
Genealogical Proof Standard | वंशावली प्रमाण मानक |
Geometrical Product Specifications | ज्यामितीय उत्पादनि र्दिष्टीकरण |
In the above table you must have seen all Full Forms of GPS in Hindi Meaning. Now we are going to discuss some more useful information which is frequently asked by you.
You may also love to learn about the following Acronyms:
Frequently Asked Question for GPS
1. What does GPS stands for?
Answer: The GPS stands for “Global Positioning System“, “Global Positioning Satellite System“, “Global Positioning Service“.
2. What is the Full Form of GPS?
Answer: The full forms of GPS is “Global Positioning System“, “School of Global Policy and Strategy” and “Global Positioning Service“.
3. What is GPS Full Form in Technical?
The GPS Full Form in Technical is “Global Positioning System“.
So if I conclude every word has different meaning. Finally we can conclude by saying that most used full forms of GPS are “Global Positioning System“, “Global Positioning Service“, “Global Positioning Satellite System” and “School of Global Policy and Strategy“.