A top secret document contains information that would damage national security if unauthorizedly released. It is the most sensitive of all government classification levels.
The document must be stamped or marked with the highest classification level. It is then wrapped in an outer layer of opaque paper and sealed. Read more about : top secret documents can be transmitted by which of the following methods.
U.S. Postal Service
Although most Americans are familiar with the guidelines that govern Secret and Confiential classified mailings, Newsweek was surprised to learn that Top Secret documents can also be sent via standard mail. According to the NISP, agencies that rely on this method of transmission follow stricter rules than those that utilize Federal Express or other private courier services.
This includes not dropping off classified material in a street mailbox or leaving it in a car while the courier runs an errand.
For hand-carried classified items up to SECRET from posts abroad, it is necessary to double-wrap the item and complete a form. This is done so that classified material does not fall into the wrong hands and is kept under constant control at all times, including the time spent at convenience stops. This is to protect against unforeseen contingencies such as automobile accidents, theft and sudden illness.
This is accomplished by first wrapping the body of the records in opaque paper, then putting them in a heavy envelope that is itself sealed and marked with SECRET on both sides. Finally, the entire package is wrapped again in a third piece of opaque paper.
This is the outer wrapper that should not contain any markings other than the SECRET label, and it should be sealed at all seams with filament tape.
A letter carrier must be accompanied by a cleared individual who is responsible for the transfer of custody at all times during the transit process. If there is no clear designated representative for the recipient government, a U.S. government official must be locally available to accomplish the transfer of custody, or arrangements must be made for secure storage at a U.S. government or cleared contractor facility.
In the case of an overseas shipment, it must be sent to and from a post that has access to the Military Postal Service or to a Department annex, using a classified diplomatic pouch (see 12 FAM 539.4-1 for details). The envelope used should be single-wrapped and marked with the appropriate classification markings.
It should be sealed with a completed Form DS-0007, Diplomatic Pouch Mail Registration. The letter should be addressed to the Commander or other head of an organization by title, rather than to a specific individual, and should include a complete mailing address for return and delivery purposes.
Federal Express
A document classified as top secret contains information that would damage national security if released. This type of information includes military plans, sensitive compartmented information, and intelligence operations. It is also a criminal offense to release these documents, so it’s important to follow strict guidelines when handling them. It’s best to only transport these documents in person or via official courier service.
When transporting classified material, you must complete a document transmittal receipt prior to transporting it from one location to another. This will allow you to create a chain of custody in case the document is lost during transit.
In addition, the document transmittal receipt will be a record of the items that were transported and can help with the investigation if a security incident occurs during transportation. The document transmittal receipt should be signed by the courier and submitted to the designated Site Security Manager (SSM) before the courier leaves the facility.
The SSM is an individual who oversees the day-to-day security administration of classified programs and activities within a particular facility. The SSM is an expert in the security of classified materials and is responsible for ensuring that all classified documents are secure during transport.
This person will conduct a thorough review of the documents prior to shipping, as well as make any necessary inquiries to ensure that they are being handled properly.
If you want to send a document classified as top secret through Federal Express, you must use a sealed inner envelope and outer envelope. The inner envelope should be marked with the highest classification marking and include the full address of the recipient. The name of the recipient should not appear on the outside of the envelope. Instead, the recipient should be identified by office code letters or numbers.
The top secret documents should be addressed to the commander or head of the agency by title and not by name. It’s also recommended that you use service letters, numbers, or phrases in the attention line to aid internal routing. This will prevent accidental disclosure.
The NISP guidelines state that Secret and Confidential documents can be sent to domestic addressees by a cleared commercial carrier, such as FedEx. However, many agencies leave private carriers out of their classification procedures or reserve them for exceptional circumstances.
Private Courier Service
When you need to have sensitive documents or materials transported by private courier service, you must take great care in choosing the right courier. These companies often provide same-day and overnight delivery as well as specialised handling services.
These couriers have the proper security clearance to transport confidential information and can deliver items securely. When choosing a private courier service, make sure that they are insured in case something goes wrong with your shipment.
Classification systems vary from country to country, but most have levels that correspond to the British system of Protected, Restricted, Secret and Top Secret. The highest level, Top Secret, is reserved for the most sensitive information. It is considered to be the most damaging in terms of national security and would cause serious damage if it fell into the wrong hands.
The lower classification levels are used for information that is not classified as Top Secret but is deemed to be extremely sensitive. For example, a document marked as In Confidence may contain policy and privacy information that is important for the government to keep private. This information cannot be released outside the ministry or department that vetted it.
It is a criminal offense in some countries to reveal state secrets. In the United States, such information is usually classified as Confidential or Secret. Depending on the country, some classified information may be designated with additional compartmented constraints to limit access. This is common for information relating to intelligence sources and methods.
Cleared personnel must handle classified documents only with the authorization of their supervisors and be advised of the implications of unauthorized disclosure. The documents must also be kept in their physical possession at all times and not left in hotel rooms, hotel safes, private residences, public lockers or unattended vehicles.
In addition, the courier must keep a record of all activities involving classified material and report these to their supervisors as soon as possible. Read more about : top secret documents can be transmitted by which of the following methods.
When a top secret courier is working in the field, they must be careful to not leave their documents unattended. They must not place them in unattended vehicles or hotel rooms and must be prepared to have them confiscated at any time. They must also not leave them in the hotel room of a family member or friend. Moreover, they should not leave them in public lockers or storage spaces.
International Courier Service
In the United States, a top secret document is a classification of information that must be protected from public disclosure. Information classified at this level is considered highly sensitive and could be extremely harmful if released. There are other levels of classified information that provide lesser protection, but they still require a high degree of caution. International courier service can be used to transport these types of documents to other countries.
Different governments have different systems for recognizing and protecting classified information. While these systems vary, most have similar classification levels. These classifications are usually based on the amount of damage that the information is expected to cause in the wrong hands.
Some classifications have a code name that is not explained in detail, while others have additional descriptions of the nature of the information. The most common is Top Secret, followed by Restricted and Confidential. Some information is marked COSMIC (Cosmic Top Secret Atomal) or NATO (NATO Secret).
There are also different procedures for mailing and carrying classified materials. In the United States, classified material can be shipped using a private commercial carrier or an official government courier. The documents must be properly marked and sealed, and the courier must be cleared to carry them. Classified couriers must never leave classified documents in hotel rooms, public lockers or unattended vehicles.
In Brazil, top secret documents are usually marked with UM (Ultrassecreto) or NU (Nussbaum). These documents are not to be given to non-officials and must remain in the possession of the courier at all times. In addition, a courier must not boot up a laptop computer, which may reveal classified information during the startup process.
In Switzerland, a document is classified as Internal if it is not intended for general distribution. If it is released, it could jeopardise the free formation of opinions and decisions within the Federal Assembly or the Federal Council, harm national monetary or economic policy, put the public at risk or impede the operations of the Swiss Armed Forces. Classified information that is considered to be extremely harmful to state security is labelled Tres Secret Defence.