You may be looking to strike a great deal with a dealer or opt to buy used bikes online there are a few pointers to be aware. In the long run it may save a lot of cash and proper research is essential. The reason being you could encounter various pitfalls in the purchase of an insurance policy.
No doubts to the fact you may stumble upon numerous deals online. Though a recommendation is if you are purchase it for the first time do not opt the online route. There are some shops that sell second hand bikes and a proper inspection of these bikes have been done at their end. You need to be having complete peace of mind when you are purchasing a bike. If you are planning to purchase a second hand bike then a traditional brick and mortar store would suffice. Though it is till that point of time when your confidence along with knowledge increases.
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The questions you need to consider before you are purchasing a second hand bike
Bikes tend to bring out emotion levels of people and the listings indicate the joy or the emotions of the people. Often you come across lengthy descriptions and they are important as a buyer. Before you are committing to purchase a bike inspect the general condition of the bike. It goes on to include any parts or components that may require urgent repair.
The list of manufacturers tends to be endless when it comes to vying the attention of the buyers. But if you are not looking to spend a lot of money in purchasing a new motor cycle then you can choose an used 2 wheeler as well. It can turn have a positive impact if you are aware about the when and where to purchase.
There are some handy tips to consider before you are planning to purchase a motor cycle. First and foremost you need to have an idea on your exact requirements before purchasing a motor cycle. Would you be going to college or commuting for your daily work on the bike. Obviously you may not require public transport and require some help in commuting. For some people it may be a childhood dream to ride a bike and it is the right time for the dream to come true.
Once you are aware what you need then comes the second aspect which is the segment part. It would be dependent upon the type of budget that you possess. Be sure of the fact that the newer a bike is better would be the condition of the bike. Though the cruisers would require a lot of maintenance but are comfortable to ride.
The place where you may locate second hand bikes
If you are purchasing from a reputed dealer be rest assured that the bikes would be in the best of conditions. A second hand dealer would cross check the bike before handing it over as an inventory. Since he needs to sell down the line basic checks are mandatory. But if you are purchasing from a private seller this would save you money but there is a degree of risk involved. Though if you have the necessary experience along with knowledge this may turn out to be a worthy move.
After arriving at the site periodic inspection of the bike is important. Make sure that you undertake a visual inspection of the bike as during the day time all components of the bike can be witnessed. It would be better if you go along with someone who has an experience of riding on a bike. For example a second opinion may turn out to be practical than yours. It is suggested that you follow all the traffic rules and not opt for fancy number plates.
Proper research in terms of specific flaws
Search on the web for bike related information to figure out what people who have purchased need to say about the bike
- Oil spill- it is suggested that you search for oil spill around the engine. If you have recently washed the bike the region of the oil spill would be shinning more than the rest of the area. Make sure that the service history of the bike is available to you.
- Brake- it is necessary to check the viable operation of the brake pad since no type of pulsing occurs.
- Chassis- the inspection of the chassis is a must and it is necessary to figure out the periodic scratch marks. The fresh paint is a sign that the bike has gone on to meet up any accident or not.
- Clutch- you need to check out the lever effort after its release. In fact it has to be effortless.
- Tyres- the condition of the tyres should be a good thread all across the surface. There should be no signs of wear or tear and breakage
- Rust or corrosion- check out the rust that is part of the brake frames. Rust on the surface may not be a major concern, but deep rusting is a definite cause of worry which is a fair reflection that the maintenance of the bike has not been proper.
- Chains- A proper evaluation of the socket and chains is vital. The socket has to showcase visible signs of wear and tear. You can rotate the wheel and check out the sound of the wheel and it has to be uniform.
- Exhaust pipe- in an exhaust pipe you need to check out the oil leak. An oil in an exhaust would point to bad rings.
- Wheels- check out the wheels for any form of cracks. If you find that the wheel is spoke based check it for rusts or any form of cracks.
Finally it comes to the set of documents before you purchase a second hand bike. A NOC is necessary from the RTO where the vehicle is registered. An owner’s manual indicates that proper maintenance of the bike is done.