Bullying and harassment are some of the major social issues of today’s society. Social media and instant messenger chat apps have practically hijacked our lives in so many ways but one of the major disadvantages is that it has made online harassment and bullying very easy for evil mind people. See make a fake account and do whatever you want on social media while hiding behind the screen. You cant make them accountable for their actions as in reality they don’t exist. Similarly, easy access to digital media has made it easy to contact people worldwide. I mean on one side it is good news but on the other hand, you have no idea who your kid is in contact with, sending messages or making video calls late at night. The person on the other side might be a sociopath, a weirdo, sexual offender, or any other frightening sick mind people. So how can we make sure that our loved ones experience just the positive side of the digital media and do not go through any harsh incident?
Along with online bullying physical abuse and violence have been another social problem since forever.
- 50% of the young people were reported to commit suicide due to physical violence
Students especially people belonging to different races and cast face this issue more as compare to other people. No parents want their children to go through such an experience. Everyone wants to provide a safe and secure peaceful life to their kids where they can enjoy every luxury of a life without any hurdle or fear. In an attempt to provide such peaceful life you have to know everything about your children. About their hobbies, interest, friend’s secrets, fears, and more. Now tell me if you have any teenager in your circle who is that much open about their deep secrets or personal things with their parents or siblings. I doubt it because children of this age prefer privacy over-sharing. They want their personal space for them and only them and no one is allowed to push it even their family.
How can we save our children from digital and real-life issues if we have no idea about them? Well, now you can follow your kid around 24/7 with the help of the best Mac spy software and android app the OgyMogy. OgyMogy offers complete surveillance reports of digital and real-life activities of the target kid remotely. All you need to do is install the app on the target device and you are good to go.
Know Physical Violence At School:
With the help of the camera, the bug feature finds out about any school violence case regarding your case. The camera bug feature captures the surrounding of the kids through the front and rear camera of the device.
Track The Bully:
Listen to people around your kid with the use of the mic bug feature. The feature let the user know about all the chat and discussion topic and save the recording on the web portal for the user. You can know about any possible argument at school or fight of your kid with others.
Find Out About Any Blackmailing Or Online Harassment Case:
Online harassment cases and the blackmailing rate has relatively increased recently. While the pandemic hit the world most of the world population was forced to stay at home and thus only thing to keep teenagers and adults busy in lockdown situations is smart gadgets. You can track the online activities of the kid easily with the help of the best Mac spy software the OgyMogy.
Monitor the Social Media Accounts:
Public platforms on social media and private chat boxes are the hub of sharing unethical content and abusive material. You can check out the social media monitoring features like the Facebook spy app, Instagram spy app, Snapchat spy app, and many more to keep an eye on the social media activity of the kid.
Keep a Check on the Mental Health Of The Kid:
Web content accessed by the target tells a lot about the mental state of the kids. Check the browser history and bookmark folder and know what is on their mind. Any search of triggering stuff can be a sign of bullying.
Give OgyMogy’s best Mac spy software a try and I am sure you will be amazed by the wonderful features and services.
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