The age verification solution is an integral part of the extensive KYC verification. It might not help in confronting major financial crimes and fraudsters but still holds the essence in different industries. The system verifies the eligibility of an individual and restricts access to age-specific content, products, and platforms in moments that protect teenagers and youngsters.
Toxic substances and products are symbolized in the current age leading to a plethora of moral and social complications. The age verification solution tries to reinstate parental control over vulnerable and rebellious minors. The system performs accurate age checks in no time, resulting in eligible customer expansion and compliance with protecting acts and laws such as COPPA and Gambling Act 2005.
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AI-Powered Documents Validation Checks
The digital age verification solution authenticates the identity of an individual in an eyeblink with great accuracy by following this simple brief procedure.
- At the time of customer onboarding, the prospect uploads his/her identity records/documents containing age, that can be a driving license, or government-issued national ID, passport, or any other ID credential
- For absolute confirmation, the individual also upload the latest selfie at the interface of the age verification solution
- The age verification solution captures and scans the required information: name and date of birth of the prospect and authenticates the credibility of the data by cross checking it with the information hardcoded in confidential regulatory digitized data warehouses with the aid of state-of-the-art OCR screening
- The final output is derived and displayed to the prospect in real-time
Biometric Authentication for Prospect Confirmation
The facial biometric scan is also performed on the concerned individual to ensure his/her ID and age. The biometric technology in an automated age verification solution at the time of document authentication recognizes facial elements.
Since due to rapid advancement, tons of smart technologies are getting introduced in the global market, facial masks, spoofing, and other tricks can be used by fraudsters and minors to get through age checks. An age verification solution ensures accuracy by running a depth analysis and detecting the liveness of the individual prior to providing any product/service.
Applications of an Age Verification Solution
The process of an age verification solution is still a good solid one to know whether the person or patient is eligible for the particular medication or not. The automated service to verify age ensures that the hospital/pharmacy or healthcare provider is serving the eligible market, with no moral or social complications.
Not only that due to the biometric technology in age verification solution at the time of signing up or ordering any substance, the solution for confirming ID can also ensure that the authorized person is placing the order or accessing the personal and clinical information of the patient.
The global significance of an online age verification solution can be figured out from the fact that it streamlines the patient onboarding process and without a functional age verification solution, the procedure can take longer and can risk a patient’s life without providing medicine or treatment at the right time.
Online Gaming and Gambling
An age verification solution reduces fraud in online gaming and gambling platforms and is essential for creator studios and companies as they are responsible for minor protection, the games containing age-restricted graphics, gruesome violence, substances, and other similar elements impact vulnerable teenagers and youngsters in a negative manner.
The age verification solution integrated into biometric screening on potential players ensures minor protection and control of a concerned adult at repeated intervals of time. The age verification solution in biometric authentication at the time when a premium upgrade or purchase is being made from a player’s account ensures that the player incorporated in the database of the gaming or gambling platform is playing and purchasing premium services. It enforces parental control over online gaming and helps in preventing false chargebacks and ensures the safety of minors as well.
Alcohols and Cigarettes
Many underage souls abuse such harmful toxic substances. An AI-based system makes sure that an online order placed of such products is by an eligible soul as it is the moral responsibility of the firm. A systematic age verification solution can save a precious life and a dysfunctional one can turn the tables.
Useless Synthetic ID
Often ID credentials of individuals are hacked from business, medical and financial entities and sold to the highest bidders for their personal gain. Afterward, individuals appear with synthetic IDs on gaming and other specific platforms, some of them can be minors as well. An advanced age verification solution detects the originality of the ID and person instantly to ensure the regulatory obligations, protection of minors, and the fake IDs getting useless.
The vast impact of an age verification solution on age-restricted platforms and industries leads to minor protection and sustained business image of age-specific service providers and gaming creator studios. The authenticating system runs an AI-driven documentation check and biometric facial authentication to ensure the eligibility of a prospect in no time for the benefit of both population and the business entity/platform.